Misty’s Goldeen Pokemon Coloring Page

Mistys Goldeen Coloring Page

Misty’s Goldeen Fish Pokemon Coloring Page

Goldeenis a white piscine Pokémon with orange markings. It has circular blue eyes with orange lids and prominent pink lips. On the forehead is a large horn, which is larger in the male than in the female. They have a small, wavy dorsal fin surrounded by an orange patch, and long pectoral fins with orange markings at their base. The Goldeneen’s wavy caudal fin is orange around the base and turns white towards the margins. The tail is admired by many for its beauty and resemblance to a ballroom dress.

The Golden has a ferocious temperament and if kept in an aquarium it will use its horn to smash their way to freedom. It competes with others of its kind to determine which one has the strongest, thickest horns. People swimming next to you should be careful not to let the Golden hit them. Golden is a very common sight in any freshwater body, including ponds, lakes, and rivers. It can be seen swimming upstream in large schools during the breeding season in the spring. Its powerful fins allow it to maintain a steady speed of five knots while swimming upstream. He is known as the “Water Dancer” because of his graceful movements in the water. In Generation I, Waterfall was his signature.

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