Hello Kitty Drawings

Hello Kitty started in the 1970s. It shows Japanese kawaii culture. Its design is simple but very cute. People all over the world love it. This love goes beyond different ages. Hello Kitty has cat ears and a whiskered face. It also has a small tail. These features make it popular. You can find Hello Kitty in many children’s rooms. There are many Hello Kitty items. These include plush toys, stationery, and books. You can find Hello Kitty coloring pages on this page.

Hello Kitty is more than a character. It is also a brand. The main character is Kitty White. She is a cat with a ribbon. She was born on November 1, 1974, in London. Kitty White is as tall as three apples. She also weighs as much as three apples. Her blood type is A. She loves her mother’s apple pie. Kitty White has a family. Her parents are George and Mary. She has a twin sister named Mimmy. She also has grandparents named Anthony and Margaret. She has friends, pets, and a boyfriend named Danielle Starr. Hello Kitty was first made for girls. Now, people of all ages and from all over the world like it. Hello Kitty started with only a sitting pose. In 1977, a standing pose was added. Now, Hello Kitty is loved by many different people.

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